Good Life Gap Program Maine, Seguinland Institute


FALL 2025

Envision Your Good Life & Discover Your Great Work

On-site in Maine: September 14-November 22, 2025 (approximate dates)
3 College Courses | 10 Credits | Transferable

Step away from the confusions of everyday life and make yourself at home on a 60-acre homestead peninsula in the coastal woodlands of Maine. This immersive, experiential program allows you to live in intentional community with a cohort of 20-ish fellow students who like you are setting aside a season to explore the good life. The program engages the whole person: body, mind and soul. You’ll partake of experiences in nature, learn to forage & garden & cook, read inspired texts (one at a time), live into the big questions, practice mindfulness, connect to creativity and cultivate friendships based on the deeper things. Along the way you’ll complete 3 college courses (one at a time) for 10 credits with award-winning professors who embody the spirit of experiential learning.

For students seeking a full semester of college credits (15-16), we offer additional independent studies. Please inquire. For students in the midst of college applications, we offer guidance and support. We are very often able to write letters of recommendation.

  • SPACIOUS REFLECTION: We create an environment in which students can think deeply about questions of the good life and begin to discern their own calling: “...the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet,” in the words of Frederick Buechner. Students can take steps toward clarifying their vision of the good life and build a sense of meaning & purpose. 

    NATURE IMMERSION: We encourage students to connect to nature as a source of grounding, contemplation, insight and joy. Students live on campus here in the coastal woodlands of Maine. They learn to identify trees and plants, hike the preserves, and camp on the Maine Island Trail. Students slow down, sync up with nature and come to recognize their reciprocity with the earth.  

    INSPIRED ACADEMICS: Our programs are saturated with ideas to live by. We create a retreat-like setting, alive with creative thinking, good books and lively discussion. Our professors guide students through reflective exercises, facilitated conversations and immersive experiences in a non-ideological, non-dogmatic way. All courses at Seguinland Institute bear college credit through our affiliation with UMaine Farmington. For students seeking a full semester of college credits (15), we offer additional independent studies. Please inquire. For students in the midst of college applications, we offer guidance and support. We are very often able to write letters of recommendation.

    MINDFULNESS: We try to create a context in which students can cultivate the inner resources necessary for personal and community-oriented thriving. This includes daily mindfulness practice: the development of skills for calming and focusing the mind, knitting together fractured attention spans, and learning to sit with mystery. 

    CREATIVE ARTS: Creativity is the lifeblood of human thriving–for individuals and communities. Too many believe that creativity is the domain of the select few, “the artists”. We create space for all students to explore and expand their innate capacities for creative expression.  

    BACK TO THE LAND: Our campus is on the site of an old family homestead. In this spirit, we grow some of our own food and try “to live sanely and simply in a troubled world,” to quote Helen & Scott Nearing. We encourage students to grapple with the interconnections between the good life and the food life, as so many pressing issues of our time are food-related: climate change, health, inequality.

    THE GOOD LIFE FOR ALL: Questions of the good life for one are inseparable from questions of the good life for all. We encourage our students to recognize that their own well-being is tied up with that of everyone else’s. We seek to instill in our students the skills to build strong and inclusive communities in the 21st Century.



“I found a passion for life here - the rich, full good life of reciprocity with the earth and others…The three courses themselves are life-changing and encourage the big thinker in everyone to come out of hiding. This was my first exposure to true education: how to smile more truthfully, laugh more fully, and love deeply and unconditionally.”

- Emeline, Fall Alum ‘22


3 College Courses | 10 Credits | Course Credit via University of Southern Maine

College credits come through Seguinland’s formal Agreement with the University of Southern Maine (the Portland branch of the University of Maine System). For students seeking a full semester of college credits (15-16), we offer additional independent studies. Please inquire. For students in the midst of college applications, we offer guidance and we are very often able to write letters of recommendation.

  • Prof. Philip Francis, PhD

    What counts as a good life? How do I go about living that good life? What will I do with my one wild and precious life? This course explores these questions by integrating readings and conversations with hands-on experiences in nature and adventures in homesteading. For example, students may read Henry David Thoreau’s In the Maine Woods while following the footsteps of his 1846 journey through Maine. Students may read Robin Wall Kimmer’s Braiding Sweetgrass while learning about sustainable sweetgrass harvesting from Wabanaki basketmakers. Students may read the Nearing’s Living the Good Life while learning the homesteading skills they imparted to generations of back to the landers. Throughout the course students are guided through a process of articulating their values & visions of the good life while reading the best of American nature writing.

  • The Good Life For All is a seminar grounded in the contemporary moment. Through the lens of storytelling, poetry, and immersive experience the course explores the most pressing and hopeful developments of our time, with an emphasis on creative solutions to climate change. What is the role of storytelling in shaping a cultural landscape in which the good life—in its many forms—is available to all? How can narratives of hope (not mere optimism) fortify us to address climate change without losing our sense of gratitude and joy over the long haul? We’ll explore diverse readings dedicated to cultivating a sense of wonder, reckoning with collective history, and exploring a multi-perspective approach to environmental issues. Along the way, we’ll develop our skills as natural observers, empathetic listeners, authentic communicators, and builders of climate resilient communities.

  • Prof. Marsha Dunn, MSW

    Creativity is the life blood of human thriving— both individuals and communities. And yet, our society often falls prey to the idea that creativity is the domain of a select few. This course offers space for all participants—not just those who consider themselves “artists”—to explore, discover and expand their innate capacities for creative expression. Our focus throughout will be on process, play, and reflection rather than polished output. We will seek to understand how creative processes can give rise to new ways of thinking and listening; and we will harness their power to re-imagine ourselves and re-create the world we share. Our time on-site in Maine will be structured around hands-on workshops and discussions followed by studio time. We will encourage an experimental mindset by working in multiple mediums, from nature-based installations and printmaking to visual thought and sound composition. Multi-media “journaling” will provide space to weave connections between creativity and its role in your Good Life.




“This was probably the most impactful experience of my life.  From the yoga sessions to hiking to watching the sunrise to volunteering in community settings, it truly felt like a dream. “

-Maurice, Alum Fall ‘21 & Winter ‘23


During the course of the semester, we will embark on a variety of adventures, including a boat trip to an ocean lighthouse (see video above), a multi-day visit to Acadia National Park, a canoe outing on the Maine Island Trail and a stay in a luxe treehouse with a wood fired cedar hot tub. We’ll visit artist studios, study climate resilience at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute and volunteer at a local organic farm that gives all its produce to people facing food insecurity. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to engage with a range of fascinating guests and speakers: visiting artists, philosophers, poets, songwriters, climate scientists, foragers, farmers, boat builders and more.



Breakfast & Morning Nature Walk

Enjoy breakfast in your riverside cottage. Take a morning nature walk on the trails, jog, or bike. Cross the salt marsh on a wooden footbridge and arrive at the Gathering Space, our classroom built up in the trees.

Mindfulness Practice

Participate in mindfulness practices led by Ida, who hails from the north of Sweden. Practices are designed to calm your mind, deepen your focus & knit together your attention span. Sessions are lighthearted, exploratory & fun; may include forest walks, yoga, meditation or centering breath. 

Good Life Conversations

Each day we explore a different set of questions & themes on living a good life. Through facilitated discussion, mini-lectures, creative projects, inspired readings, journaling by the river & informal conversations students begin to clarify their vision of the good life and build a sense of meaning & purpose. 


Eat well, socialize, soak up your surroundings. 

Afternoon Experiential Learning

Dive deeper into the day’s theme through site visits, outdoor adventures and creative projects. Examples: Travel by boat to Seguin Island for an experience of awe & wonder, or work on our docks with Manomet scientists studying the invasive Green Crab, or visit an artist collective for studio visits and conversations with artists, or work with a expert forager to study plants and prepare a foraged feast!

Open Time

Time to chill, read, journal, work on projects, exercise, rest or socialize.

Dinner Preparations

Prepare dinner in the cookhouse: cooking, cleaning & “vibe crew” responsibilities rotate. 

Communal Dinner

Gather for a family-style meal around one long table. Student-led games and spontaneous 80s dance parties may follow. Post-Dinner is usually free time, though occasionally we have special musical performances or film screenings in the evening.



How Well You Will Eat

We relish the connections between the good life & the food life. We want you to feel healthy & nourished during your time here. We source some food from our own garden, and more from farmer’s markets, local farms & regular old grocery stores.

Collective Cooking & Dining

We want you to come away with more cooking skills than when you arrived. Everyone participates in preparing meals, most of which are prepared collectively in the cookhouse under the guidance of Katie, our “Good Food Facilitator”, and eaten family style at a long table. Some special meals are prepped for you by guest chefs.


A foraged feast led by an experienced forager and chef. Traditional Maine lobster bake. Guest chefs. We happily accommodate dietary restrictions and food preferences including vegetarian, vegan, GF, Kosher, etc.


“The courses went beyond the books we read and the lessons we were taught, and were filled with rich discussions, memorable trips, and influential visitors that brought the lessons to life…All the while, my classmates and I created an intentional community and lived on a scenic homestead. Our mornings included various forms of mindfulness in a classroom up in the trees, our nights cooking meals at the cookhouse and watching the bright stars.”

-Anoosh, Fall Alum ‘21



Riverside Accommodations:

During most of your time at Seguinland Institute you will stay in one of our small riverside cottages. Each cottage has a kitchen, bathroom(s), and a porch for river watching. Cottages have 1-3 bedrooms. Students stay in doubles, triples or quadruples (in the larger rooms).

Our Directors of Community Life’s attention to the student experience will be a welcome support as you adjust to cottage life, connect with the Seguinland community & maintain positive cabin mate relationships.


Everyone gets a turn in a luxe treehouse with river views and a wood-fired cedar hot tub 18’ up in the trees.


Tuition: $14,900

Cost includes everything: tuition & 10 college credits, room & board, gear & books, journals & marshmallows. Travel to/from is Maine NOT included. We can provide pick up at the airport in Portland & the train/bus station in Brunswick.

529 FUNDS:

Yes, families are usually able to use 529 funds to pay for at least a portion of our programs. Please inquire and consult with your financial advisor.


Need-based & BIPOC scholarships are available. Please inquire.

Additional Courses:

For students seeking a full semester of college credits (15-16), we offer additional independent studies. Please inquire. Additional fees apply.

Live a three-dimensioned life. Plant Sequoias. Be like the fox making more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction.
— Wendell Berry