Now Hiring! Please see listings below.

Seguinland Institute is hiring for two positions:

1) Operations Coordinator (half-time). Details here.

We seek to hire a half-time Operations Coordinator to be an integral part of our small organization and a crucial team member for advancing our mission. 

2) Weekend Community Life Assistants (part-time). Details here.

We seek to bring on board several part-time Weekend Community Life Assistants for our program season, which runs from mid-September 2024 to mid-June 2025. Weekend Community Life Assistants will help support Seguinland Institute’s award-winning Good Life Gap Year programs through part-time rotating on-call coverage, leading weekend outings and support duties. Must be 21+.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to create transformative programs in which our students clarify their vision of the good life and discern their work for the good of all. We seek to engage the whole person, integrating college-level academics with immersion in nature, the creative arts, a back-to-the-land ethos, mentorship opportunities and mindfulness. We strive to be a place where students can cultivate the knowledge, the inner resources, and the skills necessary to nourish the communities to which they belong and build a more beautiful, just and sustainable world. Our hope for our students is nothing less than personal thriving, community-oriented living, and the well being of the planet.

Our team is comprised of scholars, boat builders, artists, musicians, contemplatives, back-to-the landers, treehouse builders and education-reformers. We aim to influence the direction of higher education, to be a model for a new generation of schools, and to bend our existing institutions toward immersive whole-person programs that foster inquiry into the good life.

Diversity & Inclusion:

A diverse, inclusive, and equitable educational organization is one where all employees, volunteers and students, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feel valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our programs. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages to ensure that all voices are heard.